Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Notes from Budgeting

Thanks to everyone who came and contributed to our budgeting workshop! Here's the info we presented in case you missed it or need a refresher.

Emily's budget worksheet. And some recommended sites for the budget conscious. - This site is great for finding savings accounts, etc.
with the best interest rates. - This site can be useful to keep track of your spending and
savings goals. - This guy knows a lot about being cheap. - A personal finance blog focusing on ordinary people dealing with unprecedented levels of debt.

Emma's helpful list of shopping tips for buying clothes on the cheap.

Kelly's powerpoint on lowering your grocery bill but staying healthy.
Healthy Eating on a Budget

And instructions on making those tasty kale chips! (From Addie Broyles' blog...she has some great DIY food suggestions if you follow it).

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