Our green cleaning workshop was a huge success! Below you can find useful facts, recipes, and links from the workshop.
Some interesting factoids (via Healthycleaning):
- In the past 40 years, at least 70,000 new chemicals have been released into the environment through new consumer and industrial products and food.
- Male and female infertility are on the rise. Research is now pointing to pesticides as a viable cause.
- Women who work in the home have a 54% higher death rate than women who work out of the home. - Toronto Indoor Air Conference, 1990
- Each year more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergic diseases. Allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic disease in the US, costing the health care system $18 billion annually. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis (inflamed nasal membranes) has increased substantially over the past 15 years.
- Asthma ranks among the most common chronic conditions in the United States, affecting an estimated 14.9 million persons.
- According to the U.S Poison Control Centers, "A child is accidentally poisoned every 30 seconds and more than 50% of all poisonings occur at home with children under 5 years of age."
- Asthma is the #1 cause of absenteeism in schools.
- There has been a 25% increase in the last 25 years in cancer incidence among children under 15 years of age.
- ADD/ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed childhood behavior disorder today. More than two million (3-5%) children have ADD.
- Thirty years ago the 3 major childhood illnesses were chickenpox, measles and mumps. Now it is asthma, ADD and cancer.
- Brain cancer in children is up 40% in 20 years
Recipes for “Green” Cleaning
Garden Spray 1 part Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Soap mixed with 10 parts water makes an effective insecticide for your fruit and vegetable garden.
All Purpose Cleaner
· 16 oz. hot water
· ½ cup White Vinegar
· ¼ cup Dr. Bronner’s
· 2 tbsp. baking soda or borax
Shake and use for kitchen or bathroom countertops.
Wood Furniture Polish
· 3 tbsp. lemon juice
· 10 drops citrus essential oil
· A few drops of jojoba or olive oil
· Fill the rest of the bottle with white vinegar
Shake very well, then spray one side of your soft cloth and clean the wood! The vinegar should do a great job of getting stains, prints, dirt, etc from the wood and the oils will help to give it a good gleam.
Turn the cloth over (or use another clean, dry cotton or flannel cloth) and buff the area you just cleaned. This will help make the area look shinier and make sure all residue is wiped off.
Toilet cleaner
· ¼ cup baking soda
· 1 cup white vinegar
In a large jar, mix 1/4 cup bicarbonate of soda and 1 cup white vinegar. Pour into the toilet while it is still fizzing, leave for 10 minutes and then scrub with a brush or gently rub with a natural pumice stone to remove lime scale.
Air Freshener
4 oz. clean spray bottle with a fine mist setting (do not use a bottle that previously contained cleaning products or hair products such as hair spray).
30-40 drops of your favorite essential oil or essential oil blend keeping the safety data of the chosen essential oil(s) in mind
1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of high-proof alcohol (vodka is suitable, isopropyl or rubbing alcohol is not). Alternatively, you may omit the alcohol and increase the amount of distilled water to 3 ounces. The alcohol helps the aroma linger for a longer duration.
Suggestion: 6 drops pure lavender essential oil, 6 drops pure lemon essential oil and 1 drop of pure tea tree essential oil.
Shake well and use as an air freshener whenever you want to remove smells or add a subtle fragrance to your home. This product is an effective cleaner for kitchen work surfaces, the dining table or even to clean sticky hands! All of the oils are antibacterial, so spray liberally around if anyone in your home is ill.
Simple and Natural Fabric Softener
In place of commercial fabric softener, add 1/2 cup of vinegar to laundry during the rinse cycle.
Avoid balsamic and other dark vinegars as they may stain clothes.
A lingering vinegar aroma may be left on your clothes. To minimize or eliminate the aroma, try the fragrant, essential oil Dryer Sheet Recipe.
Aromatic Dryer Sheets
Scraps of Natural or White Cotton Fabric An old, cut-up t-shirt will be fine. The size isn't too important. An ideal approximately size is 5"x5"
5 drops Essential Oil
Directions: Scatter 5 drops of essential oil onto a scrap of cotton frabric. Place the sheet into the dryer with your laundry and dry your clothes as you normally would. After the dryer cycle has finished, your laundry should have the faint aroma of your chosen essential oils.
Avoid using scraps or colored fabric, especially when washing light color loads.
Stick to using clear and pale colored essential oils with thin viscosity (not thick or sticky). The Essential Oil Profiles contained in the Essential Oil Profile area display the typical color and lists the consistency of each oil.
Make your own Reed Diffuser
You can make a homemade version of reed diffuser oil with just a few simple ingredients that you can easily find locally.
Mineral Oil, Sweet Almond Oil or Safflower Oil: Select a combination of your favorite essential oils and add as many drops to the carrier oil (Mineral Oil, Sweet Almond Oil or Safflower Oil) as you need to achieve the fragrance you’re after (a good amount to start with is about 12 drops of EO per 1/4 cup of oil). Next add a splash of vodka to help the oil travel up the reeds better. You could also mix the carrier oil with your favorite perfume instead of essential oils (no addition of vodka will be necessary if using perfume).
Vodka, Essential Oils & Water: Mix approximately 12 drops of essential oils with 1/4 cup of water then add a splash of vodka. The alcohol helps the essential oils bind with the water. This method will evaporate faster than using oils, but still works.
*** The smaller the opening at the neck of the glass container the better, this will force the oils to travel up the wick to diffuse their scent rather than evaporating up through the neck.
Asthma Inhalation Rub
6 drops lavender oil
4 drops geranium oil
1 drop marjoram oil
1 drop peppermint or ginger oil
1 ounce vegetable oil
Combine the ingredients. Rub on chest as needed, especially before bedtime. Because asthmatics can be extremely sensitive to scent, do a sniff test first. Test the formula by simply sniffing it to make sure there is no adverse reaction.
Natural Deodorant
Place 5 tablespoons of coconut oil (unrefined from natural food store) in a pot and liquify over low-medium heat. This happens very quickly.
Remove from heat and add other ingredients.
Add 1/4 cup of corn starch
Add 1/4 cup of baking soda
Stir continuously until smooth
Add essential oils drop by drop until desired scent is reached
Pour into a 4 oz canning jar.
Leave lid off until cool. Re-stir once cooled, as essential oils sometimes float to the top. Can refrigerate for a couple days to solidify.
Leave your jar in the bathroom and it turned into a paste. How to apply it? Dab a little on your finger from the jar and apply. It helps to let your pits dry before getting dressed.
Stuffy Nose Aromatherapy Blend
15 drops Eucalyptus
13 drops Pine
2 drops Peppermint
Directions: Blend the oils together in a clean dark-colored glass container, preferably one with an orifice reducer (a built-in dropper insert). Apply 2-3 drops to a cotton ball and inhale occasionally to help clear a stuffy nose.
Aromatherapy Insect Repellent Recipe
4 oz. clean spray bottle with a fine mist setting (do not use a bottle that previously contained cleaning products or hair products such as hair spray).
1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of high-proof alcohol (vodka is suitable, isopropyl or rubbing alcohol is not). Alternatively, you may omit the alcohol and increase the amount of distilled water to 3 ounces.
15 drops Citronella Essential Oil
10 drops Lavender Essential Oil
10 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
5 drops Lemongrass Essential Oil
Directions: Fill the spray bottle with the choice of either 1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of alcohol or 3 ounces of distilled water. (Even though a 4 oz. bottle is suggested, leave about 1 oz. unfilled so you can shake the bottle well between uses.) Then, add 30-40 drops of essential oil. Essential oils can very in strength. You may want to try 20 drops at first especially if you live in a household with someone who is sensitive to strong aromas. Shake the bottle prior to each use, and let it sit for about a day before making a conclusion that the aroma is too weak; the aroma can change after the air freshener has had time to sit. Mist lightly in the room. Be especially careful not to allow the air freshener mist fall onto furniture or into open beverages.
To Use: Shake the bottle before each use. Essential oils do not fully dissolve in water and alcohol and will settle. If you do not shake the bottle, you risk having concentrated droplets of essential oil irritate your skin.
Mist onto your skin and clothing and reapply as necessary. Discontinue use if you feel sensitivity from the repellent. Be careful not to mist delicate fabrics or surrounding furniture that may be harmed by the ingredients in the repellent. Be especially careful not to allow the mist fall onto into open beverages.
Insomnia Aromatherapy Blend
10 drops Roman Chamomile
5 drops Clary Sage
5 drops Bergamot
Directions: Blend the oils well in a clean dark-colored glass bottle. Add 1-2 drops to a tissue and place inside your pillow to aid you in falling asleep.
If you prefer to make a diffuser blend that you enjoy during the hour before bedtime, make a blend with a ratio of 2 drops Roman Chamomile to 1 drop Clary Sage to 1 drop Bergamot and add to your diffuser.
Lavender can also help provide relaxation and drowsiness, but using more than 1-2 drops can have the opposite effect.
Calming/Relaxing Aromatherapy Blend
1 ounce carrier oil such as sweet almond
10 drops Roman Chamomile
5 drops Lavender
Directions: Mix the oils well and add to a clean, air-tight dark glass container. Massage gently into the feet of the individual who requires increased calm. Giving yourself a foot massage with this relaxing oil is also delightful. Roman Chamomile has a strong sedative effect, so do not plan to drive or concentrate after using this blend.
If you prefer to make a diffuser blend, make a blend with a ratio of 2 drops Roman Chamomile to 1 drop Lavender and add to your diffuser.
Menstrual Cramps Aromatherapy Blend
1 ounce carrier oil such as sweet almond
15 drops Peppermint
10 drops Cypress
5 drops Lavender
Directions: Mix oils well in a clean, dark-colored glass container. Gently message a small amount into the abdominal area.
Blends to Combat Anxiety
The below blends may help during times of anxiety. When selecting and using oils, be sure to follow all safety precautions and remember that aromatherapy should not be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment.
Blend #1
2 drops Bergamot
2 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Frankincense
Blend #2
3 drops Sandalwood
2 drops Bergamot
Blend #3
3 drops Lavender
2 drops Clary Sage
Blend #4
1 drop Rose
1 drop Lavender
2 drops Mandarin
1 drop Vetiver
Energizing Blends
The below blends can help energize and stimulate you when you are fatigued. When selecting and using oils, be sure to follow all safety precautions and remember that aromatherapy should not be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment.
Blend #1
2 drops Basil
1 drop Cypress
2 drops Grapefruit
Blend #2
3 drops Grapefruit
2 drops Ginger
Blend #3
2 drops Rosemary
3 drops Bergamot
Blend #4
2 drops Peppermint
1 drop Frankincense
2 drops Lemon
Blends to Enhance Happiness
The below blends can help enhance happiness, joy and peace. Citrus oils are a wonderful choice when seeking a pleasant, happy environment, and they are inexpensive. When selecting and using oils, be sure to follow all safety precautions and remember that aromatherapy should not be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment.
Blend #1
3 drops Bergamot
1 drop Ylang Ylang
1 drop Grapefruit
Blend #2
1 drop Geranium
2 drops Frankincense
2 drops Orange
Blend #3
2 drops Sandalwood
1 drop Rose
2 drops Bergamot
Blend #4
2 drops Lemon, Orange or Bergamot
2 drops Grapefruit
1 drop Ylang Ylang, Rose or Neroli
Stress Relieving Blends
The below blends can help during times of stress. When selecting and using oils, be sure to follow all safety precautions and remember that aromatherapy should not be used as a substitute for proper medical treatment.
Blend #1
3 drops Clary Sage
1 drop Lemon
1 drop Lavender
Blend #2
2 drops Roman Chamomile
2 drops Lavender
1 drop Vetiver
Blend #3
3 drops Bergamot
1 drop Geranium
1 drop Frankincense
Blend #4
3 drops Grapefruit
1 drop Jasmine
1 drop Ylang Ylang
Directions: Select one of the blends shown above. Then, choose which method you'd like to use the blend and follow the directions below:
Diffuser Blend: Multiply your blend by 4 to obtain a total of 20 drops of your chosen blend. Add your oils to a dark colored glass bottle and mix well by rollling the bottle in between your hands. Add the appropriate number of drops from your created blend to your diffuser by following the manufacturer’s instructions.
Bath Oil: Multiply your blend by 3 to obtain a total of 15 drops of your chosen blend. Continue by using the 15 drop blend in the Bath Oil recipe.
Bath Salts: Continue by using the 5 drop blend in the Bath Salts recipe.
Massage Oil: Multiply your blend by 2 to obtain a total of 10 drops of your chosen blend. Continue by using the 10 drop blend in the Massage Oil recipe.
Air Freshener: Multiply your blend by 6 to obtain a total of 30 drops of your chosen blend. Continue by using the 30 drop blend in the Air Freshener recipe.
Bath Oil
2 ounces carrier oil such as sweet almond
20 drops lavender or 15-20 drops of your own blend of essential oils (be sure they are EOs that do not provide skin sensitization)
Directions: Blend the oils together and store in an amber or cobalt glass bottle. Do not use all 2 ounces of bath oil in one bath. After you have drawn your bathwater, add about 1/4 ounce (7-8ml) of the bath oil blend to your bath water. If you intend to use this bath oil with children, ensure that the oils that you have selected are safe for administration to children and use a smaller amount of the blend in the child's bathwater.
Mix well to ensure that the blend has dispersed well in the tub and hop on in. It's best to add the bath oil just before getting in the tub instead of while the water is running so that the oils don't evaporate before you get into the tub. Using this bath oil blend is safer than adding pure EOs directly to the bath water. This is because the EOs can settle in one spot on your skin and cause irritation.
Bath Salts
3 cups Dead Sea salt, regular sea salt or Epsom salt, or a blend of two or three of these salts. Sea salts typically come in several grain sizes. Combining multiple grain sizes can make your salts more appealing. Keep in mind, however, that more course grains do take longer to dissolve in the tub.
15-24 drops of your selected essential oil or essential oil blend. Be sure and take heed in the safety data for the oil(s) you choose to use.
1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil or other carrier oil (optional)
Place the salt mixture into a bowl. If you have chosen to include the optional vegetable oil to your salt recipe, add it to the plain salts and mix well with a spoon or fork. Then, add the drops of your chosen essential oils. Again, mix very well. Add the mixture to a pretty jar, salt tube, or container that has a tight fitting lid. Salts that are kept in a container that is not air tight will lose their aroma more quickly.
After a day, you may wish to mix well again to ensure that the oils are well incorporated.
Massage Oil Blend
8-10 drops of your choice of essential oil or you own blend of essential oils (be sure they are EOs that do not provide skin sensitization)
1 ounce carrier oil such as sweet almond
Directions: Blend the oils together and store in an amber or cobalt glass bottle. Apply during massage, being careful to avoid sensitive areas.
Disclaimer: This blend assumes that you know how to safely give a massage. AromaWeb assumes no liability for your use of this recipe. For more information, please visit AromaWeb's Aromatherapy Massage article.
Useful Links:
Thanks Erin for getting this up so quick!
ReplyDeleteI wanted to add that in most places where Jojoba oil is suggested, you can also use Olive oil (in the wood polish recipe, especially).
Taunya, absolutely a great class! I used my all purpose in the bathroom and was completely stunned at how great it smelled and how easily it cut through bath grime.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Last comment: This is where a lot of us buy our essential oils. I've found they are much cheaper here than in the stores: